How to Create a Kitchen Garden on Terrace
If your terrace gets ample sunlight, then it’s the right choice to go with. Do not worry about your terrace being able to withstand the weight of your pots and containers. The average concrete slabs can bear to hold large amounts of weight. If you wish, you can also cover the ground with soil, so as to create a lawn. But waterproofing should be done to avoid leakage through the roofs and other damages to the building. If you are going for regular containers and pots, then no extra measures are required per se.
Get a little innovative and use things other than pots as your containers. Planters can also be used, among many other things. But make sure to only use those things which do not disintegrate and mix into the soil. Avoiding such materials is the best thing to do. Plastic can be used and even terracotta containers.
Using the right type of soil is extremely important for the proper growth of plants. The nutrients of the soil decide the growth of it. The right blend of soil is composed of fairly equal quantities of regular soil, vermicompost and compost. You can produce your own manure to avoid additional costs, using household waste, usually consisting of waste vegetables etc.
Choosing your vegetables
You can plant any vegetable you want, but make sure to plant those vegetables which you use on a daily basis. You can also plant different herbs. If it’s your first time at gardening, then plant only those vegetables which require less care and are easy to manoeuvre like chillies. Start with the easy ones and then slowly make your way to the others.
Watering the plants regularly is essential. You should generally water your plants twice a day. Watering the plants too much can also have adverse effects. In winters, you can check if the soil is damp and then water accordingly. Do not water your plants in rains as excess amount of water will result on loss of nutrients from the soil.
Sunlight is very essential for the plants to grow. Different plants have different requirements of light. Some plants need 4-6 hours of sunlight, some need less and others might need more. So, be sure to position your plants in accordance with their requirements. You can install a shade, so as to prevent your plants from getting scorched.
Learn everything there is to about growing your plants. Nobody is capable of learning everything in one day. Experience teaches everything.
Be prepared to face some bugs and insects.
Tend to your garden everyday for a little while.
Always start slow and then slowly and steadily expand. Start with a single vegetable and then expand gradually. Plants like tomatoes are easier to grow as compared to others, so start with them.
You can grow any type of vegetables like brinjal, chillies, spinach, lady finger, and even fruits like orange, grapes and bananas
Just put your heart and soul into your garden and you will be rewarded with beautiful, fresh veggies!
According to Gertrude Jekyll,” The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.”
Go sow your love for gardening and start with your own kitchen garden today!
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