Gladiolus Her Majesty Purple Color Flower Bulbs (Pack of 12 Bulbs )
Product Name : Gladiolus Her Majesty Purple Color Flower Bulbs(Pack of 12 Bulbs )
Flower Colour : Purple
No of Bulbs/Pack : 12 Bulbs span data-mce-fragment="1">
Product Name : Gladiolus Her Majesty Purple Color Flower Bulbs(Pack of 12 Bulbs )
Flower Colour : Purple
No of Bulbs/Pack : 12 Bulbs span data-mce-fragment="1">
Unrivaled as a cut flower , the Gladiolus blooms form the bottom to the top . Filling the entire stalk with extravagantly ripped flowers . They are so simple to grow and beautiful to behold that no garden can or yard should be without them . Growing 3 to 4 feet tall the lightly ruffled buds cover most of the stem opening in slow succession from bottom to top.
Gladiolus requires a suny well drained bed . Plant the bulbs 3 inches deep and cover with soil . Water generously for the best effect plant Gladiolus in rows or clumps of five stem or more . To provide extra supports for all stems mound the soil around the plant bases . Container.
Application : Plants in gardens or pots for the terrace and balcony.
Preplanting : Moisten the soil . Make sure the growing point of the bulb is facing upward .
Soil : Well drained , loose soil.
Watering : Regular , avoid water logging.
Availability Time / Supply time : July - October
( This Bulbs are available from July - October Only. Orders Placed for this Bulbs will be serviced once they are available)
Flower Bulbs are seasonal products. Some of the bulbs are available only in Winters and some only in Summers. Accordingly, whenever the bulbs are available they will be marked in stock. Normally Winter Flower Bulbs are available from Mid- September to Late January. And Summer Flower Bulbs are available from Late March to Early June.