Areca Palm: With lush green, beautiful fronds, Areca Palms make a striking addition to home interiors. These plants need indirect sunlight, so you could ideally place them near a south or west-facing window. With regular watering and re-potting whenever needed, areca palms can grow up to seven feet in height.
Rubber Plant: Rubber trees are indoor plants that can pull any room together with their large leaves and vibrant colour. Rubber trees can potentially grow up to ten feet tall. To keep them at a smaller height, prune the branches and leaves regularly. New branches can sprout from these prunings if you tend to them.
Peace Lily: Apart from being aesthetically appealing, peace lilies enhance indoor air quality. These plants require little to no sunlight and are easy to cultivate. Adapted to low levels of watering, the hooded flowers are quite striking and beautiful.
Snake Plant: This ornamental plant also works as an excellent air purifier. An easy-to-maintain indoor plant that thrives in low light, it absorbs toxins and chemicals from the air and converts carbon dioxide into oxygen.
Money Plant: This is one of the most popular Indian plants, which is easy to grow in both soil and water. The money plant improves air quality in the house and according to feng shui principles, creates a harmonious environment and brings in prosperity.