Allium Sphaerocephalon Flower Bulbs (Pack of 6 Bulbs)
Product Name : Allium Sphaerocephalon Flower Bulbs (Pack of 6 Bulbs)
Flower Color : Purple
Qty : 6 Bulbs
Planting Instructions :
Many hundred of Allium species exits, but only a modest few have made a name for themselves as garden plants.
When slightly bruised, the bulbs, leaves and stems of these plan gives off a definite onion scent.
Naturally, only the tall and middle-tall species require a bit of special treatment but will remain beautiful for a long time,
even as dried flowers. All species can be used in the border. Certain small species are just perfect for a rock garden,
and several lend themselves to naturalizing.
Application: Plant in garden or pots for the terrace and balcony.
Preplanting: Moisten the soil. Make sure the growing point of the bulb is facing upward.
Soil : Well drained, loose soil.
Watering : Regular, avoid water logging.